The, a joint military mission to resupply the nation’s Antarctic station in support of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the lead agency for the U.S. Antarctic Program.
On January 28th, 2024, M/T Acadia Trader arrived at McMurdo Station in Antarctica to deliver over 7 million gallons of a special blend of diesel fuel mixed specifically for Antarctica called AN8. Also delivered were 1.5 million gallons of aviation fuel and 155 thousand gallons of gasoline, which make up 100 percent of the fuel needed for two years at the remote outpost. To navigate to McMurdo Station, the USCGC Polar Star, one of only two active U.S. heavy ice breakers, cut a channel through approximately 17 miles of first year ice up to 5 to 6 feet thick to allow fuel and supply ships to reach McMurdo Station, the U.S. Antarctic Program’s logistics hub and largest station. In addition to supplying fuel to McMurdo Station, M/T Acadia Trader refueled the Polar Star with approximately 300,000 gallons of JP5 via a ship-to-ship transfer during the mission.
Constructed and certificated as an Ice Class Tanker, M/T Acadia Trader has made nine annual missions to McMurdo Station, Antarctica delivering critical fuel supply to sustain winter missions. The requirement to travel to Polar Regions required that the Acadia Trader’s crew be specially screened and trained in polar operations and have undergone Military Sealift Command (MSC) required training beyond what their Merchant Mariner Credentials and licenses required. Ship travel to austere Polar Regions requires the highest level of planning, preparation, and management than most voyages. Logistics and voyage planning (complicated by severe weather systems and ice-covered channels) becomes much tougher than in normal shipping lanes, and solutions often require innovative thought and a willingness to commit resources to unique solutions.
The M/T Acadia Trader is crewed in all licensed positions by American Maritime Officers (AMO) and unlicensed positions by Seafarers International Union (SIU).
Operation Deep Freeze is literally, “a cool mission” and USMMI is proud our ship and crew were well positioned to participate in this vitally important mission of scientific and national importance.